ADMS 4910 Study Guide - Final Guide: Wrench, Leadership Dynamics, Larry Gelbart

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One book, tel 2114, can bring your usb . Write in word on the computer and copy it into moodle . Look at all your readings and other peoples executive summaries . Start by picking a relevant framework- don"t glue on one of the frameworks to explain what happen. This and that that"s why they did not work out bardern talks about the things that inhibit innovation . How might he understand the innovation issue better if his reading bardern--- another way of doing the. Briefly explain what the ey arguments are and briefly may a link to the importance in the case. What are the arguments and concepts does bardern uses and how does that fit in to the case. Is it consistent/inconsistent with what the writer says can they do it again and can they be successful . So @ the beg think about which issues and framework speak to you in the case--