LABRST 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: United Mine Workers, Protective Tariff, Industrial Revolution

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Knights wanted to mobilize workers not just about things going on in the workplace. When they get going they bring in people from all sorts of different places. Attract people who are interested in different kinds of organizations. Mixed assemblies: basic units of organizing, a lot of assemblies were trade assemblies (lots of workers in one trade would form an assembly, mixed assemblies were workers from different trades. Cooperation: wanted to start workers cooperatives, conditions would be better in workplaces, in some cases this worked (especially garment, carpentry, blacksmithing, in a lot of cases it did not (ex. larger industries) Media: attracted a lot of talented people through media, newspapers were largest (ex. Palladium of labour: brainworkers: people who were workers but who also had a lot of skill and talent in other areas (ex. Phillips thompson was a columnist for palladium of labour)