PHI 2397 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Divine Command Theory, Immanuel Kant, Deontological Ethics

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All decent people will be able to tell if you should do things or not. Ex: you lend a knife from a friend and give him your word you"ll give it back. You don"t give it back even if you gave him your word because of the consequences. Life is about happiness which is a consequence of doing things. Human intellectual pleasure = quality pleasure which is greater than basic pleasure. Can"t ignore minority (ends can"t justify means) Therefore, make insignificant sacrifice for greatest amount of people such as charity. More things in life than pleasure such as human experience. Moral = human because human = free will + reason. Categorical imperative (consequence are in future so it is a probability therefore to be sure we must use something certain such as logic and reasoning) Treat all humans as ends (ends to justify ends) since humans are moral beings and therefore ends.