CAS PS 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Preconscious, Neurological Disorder, Egocentrism

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CAS PS 101 Full Course Notes
CAS PS 101 Full Course Notes
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Motivation process that influences the direction, persistence and strength of a goal directed behavior. Drive reduction theory physiological need creates a state of internal tension or arousal (drive) that motivates an organism to behave in such a way to reduce this tension. We are pushed by physiological need to reduce drives. We are pulled by incentives to reduce drives. Abraham maslow also took into account striving for personal growth (self actualization) Physiological motivations: glucose level changes, hormones e. g. leptin. Loss of self control, anxiety, depression, lack of stable personality. Physiologically based motive but strongly influenced by learning and values. Social learning theory if watched, can learn. Catharsis principle if watched, prevents outburst of desires in real life. 4 basic psychological reasons: ssac stimulation, support, attention, comparison to obtain positive stimulation to receive emotional support to gain attention to permit social comparison. Sexual strategies theory- choosing mate based on inherent tendencies (shaped to adapt problems faced)