BIOL 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Trophic Cascade, Eusociality, Male Reproductive System

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Ecosystem: living and non-living (communities and abiotic environment) landscapes connected to ecosystems. Biomes- ecosystems connected together (largest ecosystem) theory- broader explanation supported by a large body of evidence use theory to solve problems (evaluate consequences of human activities on species) To understand how nature works and explain patterns. To use that understanding to solve problems and make predictions what effects/influence distribution and abundance abundance of a species. ** i. esnowshoe hair are generally higher than the lynx. Ecologists aim to know why abundances are the way they are. The change in abundance over time is studied by ecologists. ** similar distribution- lynx dependant on hare (organism to environment) Need same habitat and similar temperature (prey and predators in same spot) distribution of species. Broadleaf forest have cool winter, and warm hot humid summer. Boreal forest have long cold winters and short warm summer (conifers- seeds in a cone-needles stay on all year)