PHI 2396 Study Guide - Categorical Imperative, Health System, Sentience

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11 Jul 2014

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November 25, 2011: stem cells derived from pre-implantation embryos. Unlike in the case of aborted fetuses, the embryos are alive at the time when the cells are derived from them which poses a moral problem. If embryos are potential human beings then they have intrinsic value and we should oppose all (non-therapeutic) research on embryos. However, some believe that, even if they do not have an intrinsic moral value, they may have a symbolic value since they are to become humans. Then, we should endorse only research that has a good reason, that is, research which cannot be pursued in any other way and which will greatly benefit humanity. Many people are fine using embryos for research but against creating embryos specifically for research. The main problem we treat these embryos as products or as mere objects. This may lead to commercialization and demeaning of procreation and parenting.