BIO 2135 Lecture Notes - Lophophore, Bryozoa, Zooid

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17 Jul 2014

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Tripartite: coalemo forms in 3 pieces, proto, meta, meso. 3 colmic cavities made one after the other, all entrocoel. Mesoderm proliferates between endo and ecto, splits to make schizo. Blebs of mesoderm already with cavity between endo and ecto. Tentacles surroudning moth, cillia capture food and propel it into mouth and digestive system. Gut beocomes u shaped to wash fecal material away instead of sitting on shit. Thought they were 2 organisms that symbioed together. Grow from single egg, turns into on bryo then by budding. Can contract tentacles in case (zooeium) made by cystid with polypide sitting on top with can contract. Poypide is the lophophore going in and out sits inside zoocecium, secreted by cystid. Unlike hydra, tentacles filled with coelomic fluid (from middle, meso) Propels water through fingers, cilia traps it, they pass it down to mouth. Procccoel represented by fla^p, reduced itself, dissapeared, contains ganglion, involved in muscle movements and contractions of lophophore.