PSYC 3402 Chapter 4: Chapter 4 Summary.docx

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26 Apr 2012

Document Summary

They assert that criminality can be decreased when the rewards for crime are reduced and the costs for crime are increased while the rewards for prosocial behaviour are increased and the costs for prosocial behaviour are decreased. Section 718 ccc- are to ensure respect for the law and the maintenance of a just, peaceful, and safe society. To promote a sense of responsibility in offenders. Incapacitation- removing offenders ability to commit crime: deterrence application of punishment to influence behaviour. 1 )certainty (likelihood of legal punishment: celerity (the amount of time between offence and sanction, severity (magnitude of punishment, scope (relationship b/w crime in statute and punishment) Study: (kershaw 1999; lloyd, mair, and hough 1994)- compares reconviction data by type of sentence. Findings: general deterrence does not reduce crime in that longer sentences and incarcerations are not highly related to recidivism. Also, no difference in prison vs no prison offenders.