Kinesiology 1088A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sport Psychology, Hyperintensity, Social Learning Theory

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Document Summary

The systematic and consistent practice of mental or psychological skills. Psychological skills can be learned but must be practiced and integrated into your training routine. Psychological factors account for most day to day fluctuations in performance. Psychological skills are innate" (can"t be learned) Components of pst programs (same as physical skills: education phase. Learn nature and basis of the skill and understand how it influences performance: acquisition phase. Structured training program to develop skills and techniques: practice phase. Integrate skill development into practice and competitive settings. Overall, helps make the sporting experiences fun and meet everyone"s needs. When: pre-season or off-season, 3-6 month duration, ongoing process integrated into practices. Assessment: evaluate strengths & weaknesses, oral interview & psych inventories (p262, performance profiling (p261) [comparing self to elite athlete] What: which skills to include? (--> strengths & weaknesses, scheduling (formal, informal, regular?, evaluation & follow-up. Problems: lack of conviction, lack of time, lack of knowledge, lack of follow-up.