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Math, Quant and Economics Geek | Slam Poet | Trader and Investor




4. Class B has the most consistent scores as it has the lowest range amongst a...
Profits are maximized when MR=MC. Given TC = 35 +40Q The marginal cost will be...
Answer: Explanation: Input the given values;
Answer: Given: We know: Hence, Upper bound: Note that here we will not take as...
A liquid asset is a type of asset that can easily be converted into cash in a ...
Answer: c) y=0, z=-5 The given function is: It can take any values in the nume...
is linearly dependent if there exist numbers , not all equal to zero, such tha...
Answer: Explanation: Let the number of madeleines with Jeff be 'j' and the num...
Answer: 45 Explanation: Let the three numbers be . Then, Since the smallest 2-...
Answer: Explanation: If the area is 294 cm2, then Using the formula for the vo...
Since, we can only do this by looking at the diagram, We will write all those ...
Answer: A. Yes, the point is defined and Explanation: Since , the function use...
SIMPLEST APPROACH:If the new train goes 20% farther than the old train, then: ...
Answer: Explanation: As already calculated: We know the formula for the confid...
Given: Integrate both the sides w.r.t 't': This is the standard form of integr...
Total revenue = Price x Quantity: marginal revenue will be the first derivativ...
The correct answer is -1. Explanation in pictures:

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