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Answer: Cordaitales are an extinct order of seedless vascular plants that were...
Answer: CO 2 is the natural by-product of human respiration, as well as a prod...
Answer: What Codon is CTT? Leaving out the uninteresting details, whenever a D...
Answer: Studies indicate that, at least in the context of intense endurance ex...
Answer: The technique of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) can separat...
Answer: Here is an easy explanation. Hope it helps Most chemical reactions are...
Answer: A new study has found that chemical exposure to the liver and muscle (...
Answer: The main use of Carbon-13 in medical imaging is a diagnostic aid for P...
Answer: The noble gases are called "noble" because they generally don't form n...
Answer: Here is the list and their contributionStep-by-step explanation: Anton...
Answer: A rare cause of hypoglycemia is an insulinoma. It is an insulin-secret...
Answer: There are several types of Bartter Syndrome. The most common form is p...
Answer:Oliguria is the decreased production of urine in the body.This leads to...
Answer: Cell Theory was given by Schleiden and Schwann. It's a biological theo...
Answer: Cell is the basic structural and function unit of life. It is the smal...
Answer: Tissue is a group of cells similar in structure and type which work to...

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