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Answer: huh
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Answer: Step-by-step explanation:no

First Task: The Exercise for Your Imagination
John Rawls introduces his reader to several concepts fundamental to a thorough account of the idea of justice: Liberty; equality; rights; and fairness. But he is deservedly of philosophical interest because of the way he fulfills his aim, which is “...To present a conception of justice which generalizes and carries to a higher level of abstraction the familiar theory of the social contract as found in Locke, Rousseau, and Kant” (Pojman 620, Lt). Rawls introduces an imaginary device in order to establish the conditions under which “the principles of justice for the basic structure of society...would (be accepted)” (620 Lm). It is these conditions, Rawls’ “initial position of equality,” and his device for establishing them, “the veil of ignorance,” that I would have you think about for your exercise (620 Lm and 620 Rm): “The veil of ignorance...ensures that no one is advantaged or disadvantaged in the choice of principles by the outcome of natural chance or the contingency of social circumstances” (620 Rm).

As an exercise of the imagination, you are asked, as Rawls asks us all, to imagine yourself in the “initial position of equality” under “the veil of ignorance.” Discover for yourself if doing so is or is not conducive to a genuine sense of fairness, as you prepare to make “one of the most general of all choices which persons might make together, namely ...the choice of the first principles of a conception of justice which is to regulate all subsequent criticism and reform of institutions” (621 Lt).

Second Task: The Writing Assignment
Please number your responses:
1. Describe your experience. Take the time to do so as completely as you are able.
2. How did this exercise affect your understanding of the section titled “The Reasoning Leading to the Two Principles of Justice” (624 Lm). It requires an effort to do so, but try to justify your response with direct reference to your own experience of imagining and reading, not to associations or thoughts gathered from any other source. Provide\ relevant quotations to focus your reader’s attention.
3. Relate your experience to Rawls’ “Two Principles of Justice,” especially concerning his denying “exchanges between basic liberties and economic and social benefits” (624 Rb). Be as descriptive as you are able, using direct quotations as support.
4. What is your opinion of Rawls’ “General Conception” (627 Rb)? Use quotations to assist in your explanation.

Answer: no
Answer: wbt
Answer: me too
Answer: same
Answer: me too
Answer: jjj
Answer: mmm

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