


American University

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I am great at writing papers. Happy to help whenever you need me. My Discord is AluSeph#3260 if you are looking for large papers.




Architecture1History10Law2English91Anthropology8Astronomy5Business10Marketing1Science5Nursing1Psychology5Ethics2Information Technology3Algebra21Probability1Computer Science2Biology5Mathematics4Statistics4Physics4Finance1Chemistry5
Early Christianity emerged in a world where a variety of religious traditions ...
As the CEO of a 10-person company, I had to make tough decisions regarding the...
What do you think is the most pressing issue facing our society today, and wha...
An answer is a response given to a question or an inquiry, providing a solutio...
Art is a diverse range of creative activities that express human imagination, ...
A robot is a machine that is programmed to perform a variety of tasks autonomo...
Division is a mathematical operation used to distribute a quantity into equal ...
"Max" is a shortened form of the word "maximum" and refers to the highest or g...
Painting is a form of visual art where an artist uses different techniques and...
A country is a defined geographic and political region or nation that has sove...
The eye is a sensory organ that enables vision. It is responsible for detectin...
Chemicals are substances that have a distinct molecular composition and are pr...
Colors are visual perceptions of the human eye that are caused by the absorpti...
Power can refer to a range of concepts across different fields, but generally,...
Time is a fundamental concept that refers to the sequence of events or the dur...
History is the study of past events and occurrences, often related to human so...
Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes...
Minimum is a mathematical and statistical term that represents the smallest or...
Emotion is a complex psychological phenomenon that is characterized by a range...
Tears are a clear, salty liquid secreted by the lacrimal glands in the eyes. T...
In a physical sense, power is defined as the rate at which work is done or ene...
In general, a process is a set of steps or actions that are taken to achieve a...
Answer: False Step-by-step explanation:The quality of the digital signal depen...
False False True
Answer: A. The shah gave in to Western pressure, but Khomeini resisted Western...
Nur Taraki takes control of Afghanistan. A coup kills Afghanistan's pro-Soviet...
As a farmer, I have used Monsanto's Roundup Ready herbicide in the past, and I...
1. The dowry might include land or real estate, but mostly consisted of person...
Yes, I once borrowed a friend's camera and accidentally dropped it, causing it...
Answer: 380 kJ/mole : 2-4 kJ/mole Step-by-step explanation: Covalent bonds are...
The embryo sac is formed through the process of megasporogenesis, which occurs...
Ensuring the success of a product requires a comprehensive approach that encom...
Making Mars habitable would require a significant amount of work and resources...
Answer: Charles "Pete" Conrad Step-by-step explanation: The third person to wa...
Stephen King is considered worthy of study due to his significant contribution...
One song that has been transformative for me is "Formation" by Beyoncé. The so...
One type of media that engages in this type of future thinking is the genre of...
Introduction The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the l...
A. The amount of bacteria on a surface and the amount of time since the surfac...
Answer: B Step-by-step explanation: B. There is a positive correlation between...

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