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History2English1Business12Science4Sociology5Geography6Psychology4Information Technology2Computer Science7Biology4Physics4Chemistry11
Answer: 1. Cavendish used a telescope to observe the deflection of the rod bec...
Answer: To solve the first part of the question, we need to use the ideal gas ...
Answer: To calculate the amount of carbon dioxide gas produced in this reactio...
Answer: The Mariana Trench is the deepest known part of the Earth's oceans. It...
Answer: Wireshark is an open-source network protocol analyzer and packet captu...
Answer: To find where light is reflected by a spherical mirror, you need to un...
Answer: The ovule is a reproductive structure found in plants, specifically wi...
Answer: Let's analyze the balanced equations, oxidation states, and electron t...
Answer: To determine the number of ounces of bronze needed to prepare the bron...
Answer: A) If the solution does not form crystals immediately but after sittin...
Answer: To find the negative charge required to create an attractive force bet...
Answer: It performs specific functions that are vital for the overall function...
Answer: In Buddhism, the term "nirvana" refers to the ultimate goal of spiritu...
Answer: a) Triphenylacetic acid:``` O || C Ph |Ph - C - Ph | Ph```b) Chloropht...
Answer: Let's start by understanding what bias means. Bias refers to the tende...
Answer: Complete denture base adjustment refers to the process of making neces...
Answer: Physics is a branch of science that deals with the study of matter, en...
Answer: The Twelve Principles of Animation are a set of guidelines for creatin...
Answer: Based on the error message "ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH," the m...
Answer: To meet the given requirements, the organization should use the archit...
Answer: In the scenario described, the responsibility for the breach ultimatel...
Answer: In this scenario, the best step to perform FIRST would be to isolate t...
Answer: To harden the multihomed SFTP server in this scenario, the best soluti...
Answer: To check if the light turns off when you close the refrigerator door w...
Answer: To find the hydroxide ion concentration ([OH-]) for the given solution...
Answer: If by "HRM" you are referring to Human Resource Management, it is a di...
Answer: Nelson Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, polit...
Answer: La percepción de la política en cualquier país puede variar entre los ...
Answer: The planet that takes the maximum time to complete one revolution arou...
Answer: Asteroids are small celestial bodies that primarily exist in the aster...
Answer: The planet often referred to as Earth's "twin sister" is Venus. Venus ...
Answer: The unit typically used to measure distances between stars is the "lig...
Answer: The heaviest planet in our solar system is Jupiter. Jupiter is the lar...
Answer: The tallest mountain in the world, measured from base to summit, is Mo...
Answer: The fastest means of communication depends on the context and the dist...
Answer: Electricity refers to the broad concept of the flow of electric charge...
Answer: Science is a systematic and organized approach to acquiring knowledge ...
Answer: कानून एक नियमित और संरचित तरीके से संचालित सामाजिक नियमों का संग्रह है...
Answer: As a beginner artist, there are several steps you can take to start of...
Answer: To increase the volume of a gas, you can:1. Increase temperature: Acco...

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