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Architecture2Project Management1History8English1Anthropology10Astronomy9Business1Marketing1Science3Electrical Engineering1Psychology2Communications1Algebra3Precalculus1Computer Science2Accounting3Calculus3Biology3Mathematics4Physics5Economics3Chemistry1
Answer: The major difference between AC &DC is that current electricity fl...
Answer:4th July the distance between earth and sun is maximum.
Answer: mosquito don't have teeth because they don't eat solids
Answer: Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that makes people very drowsy during th...
Answer:a solvent is a substance that dissolves a solute, resulting in a soluti...
Answer: Steel Rule Caliper( steel) Surface plate( cast iron or steel) Angel pl...
Answer: its good .
Answer: The reason for their vulnerability is that the organic, free range, ch...
Answer: Formula of washing soda-- Na2 CO3. 10H2O
Answer: the day time sky is blue because light from the nearby sun hits molecu...
Answer: Pepsin is the principal anzyme involved in protein digestion. It break...
Answer: Galvanometer is the device by which we can measure the strength of ele...
Answer: The division of anthropology is concerned with all aspects of human be...
Answer: MAX is a phase of metalic carbide or nitrite .Step-by-step explanation...
Answer: painting is a visual language by which we can express the idea's and e...
Answer: In geographical term , a country made by four factors 1) own populatio...
Answer. iPhone 14plus has the great battery.
Answer: if the person who advised you to what to choose first is your beloved ...
Answer:. Have patience while you don't get the solution. Every problem in life...
Answer: cell wall absent in mycoplasma,it is a tiniest organism.
Answer:y-2=3(x-4) Y= 3x - 12 +2 Y =3x -10 at point (5, 5) 5 = 15 -10 5 = 5 So ...
Answer: the social welfare logic simply considers what can be done to help tho...
Answer: Since mucus tissue has a much simpler composition. It also has a faste...
Answer:our sun is represented by the letter G2v. Stars in a region of A are re...
Answer: 1- I don't know anything about wall Mart before viewing the documentry...
Answer: Antibiotics are compounds that Target bacteria and, thus , are intende...
Answer:A blackhole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that no...
Answer: The least or smallest amount of anything.
Answer:. Time is the continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in...
Answer: Education is a transmission of knowledge, skills and character traits....
Answer: Mountains
Answer: Yes sun is a star because it has itself light.
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:Part A- the total amount made by store=945 Pa...
Answer: Order from greatest to least-āˆš19>28/9>3āˆš88
Answer: Sir isaac Newton put forward the universal law of gravitation in 1687....
Answer: Option (D) Ras Bihari Ghosh
Answer: Option (c)
Answer: Option (b) Swami Vivekanand.
Answer:Punjab is a geopolitical, cultural and historical region in south Asia....
Answer: Dirt bowl

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