


Manbir KaurGuru Nanak Dev University

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English5Business1Science1Information Technology6Computer Science18Accounting1Calculus1Mathematics4Statistics1Chemistry1
Answer: 1. $1.382. $400Step-by-step explanation:Cost Price = Selling Price/(1+...
Answer: d) Google and Apple Step-by-step explanation:Google's mobile operating...
Answer: c) browserStep-by-step explanation:A browser is a software program tha...
Answer: Sound card Step-by-step explanation:A sound card, also known as an aud...
Answer: User Interface Step-by-step explanation:The user interface of an opera...
Answer: 2. Offsite Step-by-step explanation:Offsite backup refers to the pract...
Answer: 4. The class defines the default network address portion of the IP add...
Answer: 3. IP AddressStep-by-step explanation:An IP (Internet Protocol) addres...
Answer: 1. an embedded systemStep-by-step explanation:An embedded system is a ...
Answer: (C) hardwareStep-by-step explanation:Hardware refers to the physical c...
Answer: (C) operating systems Step-by-step explanation:Windows 95 and Windows ...
Answer: (D) Icon Step-by-step explanation:In a menu-driven operating system, t...
Answer: 1. standard English 2. slang 3. dialect 4. jargon 5. idiom 6. language...
Answer:The possible coordinates of the third vertex are (x, 4), where x can be...
Answer: The coordinates of Fourth vertex is(6,-4).Step-by-step explanation:Fin...
Answer:The JOIN operation in SQL is used to combine rows from two or more tabl...
Answer:The BETWEEN operator in SQL is used to specify a range of values within...
Answer:1' OR emp_name LIKE '%john%'Step-by-step explanation:This statement uti...
Answer: SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used to acce...
Answer:SELECT first_name, email_idFROM employeesWHERE email_id ~* '.*example\....
Answer: The incorrect sentence is : -The smell of hot dogs and suntan lotion d...
Answer: The list of concise topic sentences is given below : -Step-by-step exp...
Answer: H3PO4 - Phosphoric acid Na3PO4 - Sodium PhosphateStep-by-step explanat...
Answer: The chemical formula of washing soda is Na2CO3Ā·10H2O. Step-by-step exp...
Answer:The SI unit of mass in science is the kilogram (kg). Step-by-step expla...
Answer:def find_duplicates(items1, items2): duplicates = [] for item in items1...
Answer: def find_maximum(a, b, c): return max(a, b, c)# Example usage:number1 ...
Answer: The false statement is given below: - Algorithms depend on programming...
Answer:summary statistics Step-by-step explanation: Summary statistics are cal...
Answer: b. select Step-by-step explanation:In SQL, the SELECT statement is use...
Answer: For deleting a record : DELETE FROM table_nameWHERE condition; For del...
Answer: Column Step-by-step explanation:A Column represents a specific attribu...
Answer: ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name PRIMARY KEY (col...
For Loops in Python

A loop is used to execute the same block of code multiple times. Each time the loop repeats is called an iteration of the loop.

Iterating Through Strings

The following loop repeats four times, one iteration for each letter in the word "word":

word = "word"
for letter in word:

Output: w o r d

We can use any variable name instead of "letter" and perform any action inside the loop. All statements indented after the for loop statement will repeat four times. For example:

x = 1
for letter in word:
ā€ƒx += 2

Output: 1 3 5 7

Iterating Through Lists

We can also iterate through each item in a list:

colors = ["red", "blue", "green"]
for x in colors:

Output: red blue green

We can also use a list of integers:

count = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for i in count:
ā€ƒprint(str(i) + " squared equals " + str(i**2))

Output: 1 squared equals 1
2 squared equals 4
3 squared equals 9
4 squared equals 16
5 squared equals 25

The Range Function

Most for loops use the range function for a simple counter. Range returns a list of integers. Here's an example:

for x in range(2, 9, 3):

Output: 2 5 8

The first value is the "from" value, which is inclusive and defaults to 0 if not provided. The second value is the "to" value, which is not inclusive. The third value is the "step" value, which defaults to 1 if not provided. Here are some examples:

  • range(2) returns 0 1
  • range(0, 2) returns 0 1
  • range(0, 2, 1) returns 0 1
  • range(0, 6, 1) returns 0 1 2 3 4 5
  • range(5, 9, 1) returns 5 6 7 8
  • range(5, 9, 2) returns 5 7
  • range(3, 0, -1) returns 3Ā 
Answer: The output of last example in range function is 3 2 1Step-by-step expl...
Answer: $200 lessStep-by-step explanation:In present time , Carter and Isabell...
Answer: The computer abbreviation "OS" typically stands for Operating System.S...
Answer: The '.MOV' extension typically refers to a Animation/movie file. Step-...
Answer: Network-Attached Storage(NAS)Step-by-step explanation:A NAS is a hardw...
Answer: Radius of convergence is 1 . Interval of convergence is Step-by-step e...

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