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Answer:Step-by-step explanation:1. True 2. ☑ Supplying of duplicate copies of ...
Answer:Step-by-step explanation:1. True 2. Supplying of duplicate copies of va...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:For promoting good mental health in early sch...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:In our relentless pursuit to control nature, ...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:c. object of a preposition
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:language spoken by educated Americans - ⬜ sta...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:The topic sentence in this body paragraph is:...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:The elements of dystopia, such as erasing dif...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:Karl Marx defends his claim that history has ...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:"Lord of the Flies" is a novel by William Gol...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:"Lord of the Flies" follows a group of boys s...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:A. Boston, Massachusetts
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:B. British Parliament passed the Coercive Act...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:B. He rode throughout the night warning colon...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:C. They were after military supplies that the...
According to the text, how did British Soldiers approach Concord?
A. From the Charles River
B. From Boston Harbor
C. From the town of Lexington
D. From the city of Boston
The Lanterns in the Old North Church
Glenn Trevor
Chapter Two: Lanterns of North Church
On April 18, 1775, the Sons of Liberty (the group of patriots behind the famous Boston Tea Party) were able to find out how the British planned to attack. They also learned that the British intended to stop in the city of Lexington and arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock on their march to Concord. Paul Revere (a silversmith who was a member of the Sons of Liberty) and two other riders (William Dawes and Dr. Samuel Prescott) were appointed to ride and warn the patriots in Concord of how the British planned to attack. Revere was also told to stop at Lexington to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock. Because Revere was concerned that he and the other riders might be caught or stopped from delivering the message, he also secretly arranged with the sexton of Old North Church to hang lanterns as a signal to tell patriots across the river what the British intended to do.
As Revere was quietly rowed across the Charles River to where a horse awaited him on the other side, the church sexton Robert Newman and the vestryman Capt. John Pulling Jr. climbed into the steeple of the Old North Church and held two lanterns high while another patriot, Thomas Bernard, kept watch outstide.
Little did these men know that they were enacting the immortal line now known by school-children across America "One if by land, two if by sea." The two lanterns meant that the British were coming by sea across the Charles River. The lanterns were reported to have been shown for only a very short time (a little under a minute) for fear that the British troops would also see the signal.
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:D. From the city of Boston
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:b. the stories the captain told
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:A. Taxation without representation by the Bri...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:B. All trade went through Philadelphia in the...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:A. Britain
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:C. Colonies
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:B. Colonel William Prescott
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:B. Battle of Bunker Hill
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:C. Colonists
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:C. they died
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:A. Morris
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:B. women
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:D. John Hancock
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:C. John Hancock
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:C. The victims of the Boston Massacre are bur...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:C. 5000
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:C. A British soldier had snowballs thrown at ...
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:D. the Boston Massacre
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:A. $ 0
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:. French
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:A. the British
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:C. Virginia
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:B. independence
Answer: Step-by-step explanation:In a bustling city, I found myself navigating...
Answer:Step-by-step explanation:✅ It is possible to uncover their answers by a...

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