
Carbon Capture & Storage is the "talk of the town" these days. According to the EPA, is one of the major Greenhouse gases. https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/overview-greenhousegases. Between government regulations, pleasing of stockholders, and driving towards good environmental stewardship, industries are working to reduce their emissions. Suppose we develop a process that captures and compresses . Within our process, we need a storage vessel to contain before transporting it to a permanent storage site. We have 1,500 kmol  at 180C and 52 barg. What vessel volume is needed if we model the fluid as:
a. Ideal Gas Equation of State (EOS)?
b. B-Truncated Virial EOS?
c. Corresponding States EOS?
d. Soave - Redlich - Kwong EOS?

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