MGC2230 Study Guide - Final Guide: Charismatic Authority, Trait Theory, Interpersonal Relationship

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A belief that there is a set of traits associated with being a good leader. If you have certain traits, you"ll become a leader. Distal traits; relatively stable individual differences that are hard to change: personality (eg. extraversion, agreeableness, motives and values, cognitive abilities. Proximal attributes; related to the distal traits but are easier to change: social appraisal skills, problem solving skills, expertise, social identity theory: Resembling the specific prototype of a group will help you become a leader of that social group. Group prototype = the impression of individuals most representative of group values and behaviours. Resembling a group prototype will benefit the leader. Prototypical employees are more likely to be promoted as leaders. Prototypical leaders are perceived as more effective, suitable, charismatic and persuasive. Prototypical leaders are blamed less when the organisation is ineffective: leader categorisation theory: We categorise individuals with characteristics similar to the leader prototype as. Leaders and those with opposite characteristics as non-leaders .