BUSS1000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Water Security, Market Orientation, Triple Bottom Line

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Wicked problems: highly complex social and policy issues that are highly resistant to change. Organisations that try to solve these: bill & melinda gates foundation + tesla. People/organisations usually focus to solve only one. They are usually the manifestation of larger and broader issues (megatrends) Large and transformative processes with global reach, broad scope and dramatic impact. Organisation: a group of people who work together with a shared purpose to meet a shared goal. Company: an organisation that sells goods and services to make money. Corporation: a large company, or a group of many companies who sell goods and services to make money, controlled by a single organisation. Business: a specific company the buys and sells goods & services. Stakeholder: anyone with a vested interest in an organisation competitors, neighbours etc etc . Mission: a statement of the aims of an organisation and why it exists. Can(cid:495)t focus on what an organisation already achieves, but rather what it.