CHYS 1F90 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lev Vygotsky, Prenatal Development, Parenting Styles

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Week 12: term wrap-up and exam review: critical question. What have we learned and why have we learned it: film analysis grades. Focus on class and use movie for examples: reviewing first term. We focused on four areas during this term. Broader perspectives: how does western theory come into play, global perspectives, foundations of development. Biopsychosocial approaches and developmental theories: bronfenbrenner, milestones, continuous and discontinuous, vygotsky, range of reaction, how environment can shift the phenotype. Nature vs nurture: there used to be camps, people used to have to be nature or nurture, but it"s a(cid:272)tuall(cid:455) (cid:272)o(cid:374)(cid:374)e(cid:272)ted, miranda was a dancer, 10 years old. Environmental contexts: contexts of learning and self-regulation, forming attachments: families and caregiving, conceptualizing childhood and adolescence. Western theory has different views than others: reviewing first term. Children and youth and exceptionalities: conceptualizing children and youth with exceptionalities, complicating ability/disability, reviewing first term. Broader perspectives: social challenges and diversity, global perspectives on development.