KINE 3P05 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pencil, Lung Volumes, Partial Pressure

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Cumulative (organization of the body gas exchange and transport) At least 50 multiple choice questions (maybe more) How we breathe in, how we breathe out. How we increase and decrease volume of the lungs. Define which muscles are doing that ^^ which muscles contract and which muscles expand (diaphragm) When the diaphragm contracts, the cavity expands and pressure increases pushing air up. At least one question to calculate partial pressure. Tidal volume what is it and how do you calculate it and how do you deduct 150ml in the dead space. A big chunk of the exam will be on this chapter. Understand how oxygen comes in and out of the tissues. When oxygen binds to the alveoli in the lungs: oxyhemoglobin. Sister of hemoglobin that binds oxygen in the cells: myoglobin. Final examination april 18th 2015 2:00pm 4:00pm (question on volumes and capacities)