KINE 4F93 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Swot Analysis

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Document Summary

Health education and activity training: this program will facilitate healthy living through physical activity and nutrition. This program will aim to improve upon current physical fitness levels, and current nutritional behavioural habits of elementary school children, both male and female from grades 4-8. This program will hopefully make learning about the importance of nutrition and physical activity not only fun, but we want to make healthy, active living a realistic goal for the children as well. This is an issue because school-aged youth are under informed in regards to nutritional requirements. Children are also not provided with enough opportunities to maintain physical fitness and physical literacy in a school day. Only 9% of children within this age group (9-14) are meeting the physical health guidelines of at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity each day. These students can range from any skill level, fitness level, or can be within any range of socioeconomic status.