[PSYC 4P30] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (33 pages long)

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September 9 th , 2016. almost the opposite of clinical psychology positive affect** Optimism leads to better moods, better health happiness, good relationships. Social support leads to happiness and better health . We don"t just want to be free of mental illness; want to optimize experiences; want to be happy, successful, optimistic. * maybe the focus on the negative isn"t limited to psychology. * a lot of negativity/conflict in the media ppl like to watch it (ex. good guy v. bad guy always) * tragedy in the media doesn"t usually focus on the heroes. Famous studies in psychology tend to focus more on the negative side of human nature. Maybe there are just as many positive as negative things, we"re just not focusing on them. * had idea that what we see as reality is not objective; so we don"t all see the same thing. * see things from our own subjective projection.