BUSI 3105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Psychological Safety, Social Loafing, Quality Management

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15 Apr 2016

Document Summary

A group of people that is working towards the same goal. A group of people with different skills and strengths. Teams act as one and can be considered a sport system. Most teams are judged on collective performance. A team succeeds together and fails together. Teaming: is teamwork on the fly: it"s a way to gather experts in temporary groups to solves problems they"re encountering for the first and perhaps only time. A team is held accountable for failures. A discussion is needed to see where the team went wrong and how the team can improve. Develop a science of work and break it down. Specifically select and train people to do the job. A conference board of canada report found that more than 80 of 109 respondents used teams. The extensive use of teams creates the potential for an organization to generate greater outputs with no increase in inputs.