BIOL 337 Study Guide - Final Guide: Salp, Scallop, Coelom

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1 May 2017

Document Summary

Show water flow and where food particles are trapped. Gametes released from osculum through ostia, when sperm is released into the water and are caught by choanocytes, then transported to the eggs for fertilization. Located in the epidermal cells formed in the tentacles to aid in prey capture since they act as sti(cid:374)gers. If they (cid:449)ere i(cid:374) (cid:373)ore i(cid:374)(cid:374)er layers they (cid:449)ould(cid:374)"t (cid:271)e (cid:448)ery effe(cid:272)ti(cid:448)e. The obelia has numerous branching along its body, it has reproductive polyps instead of gonads. It specifically has 2 polyps, one for feeding (tentacles) and one for reproduction (budding). Also the epidermis resembles spikes on the outer covering. The other organism is portuguese man of war, resembles the obelia more because the hydroid colony of the obelia resembles tentacles. Polyp form is cylindrical with a long stalk, lacks a vellum and sense organs, reproduces asexually and is sessile. Medusa is free living motile and have a flat, round shaped body.