COMM 222 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Job Satisfaction, Job Performance, Observational Learning

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Define personality and its role in organizational behaviour: personality = relatively stable set of psychological characteristics that influences the way we interact with our environment, role in ob: person-situation debate. High emotional stablibility more effective interactions with. Used to increase desired behaviour and eliminate undesired: reinforcement = process by which stimuli strengthen behaviours. People"s behavioural also influences personal factors and the environment: observational learning: process of observing and imitating others. Models more likely imitated if high-status, credible, competent, attractive. Behaviour has to be motivating (result in positive consequences), retention (memorable), attention (vivid) and motor reproduction: self-efficacy beliefs: belief that one can successfully perform a specific task. Observing one"s own behaviour and comparing it to a standard. Self- set goals: discrepancy reduction: discrepancy between one"s goal and performance motivates to change behaviour, discrepancy production: attaining a goal and setting a higher, more challenging one.