PSYC 223 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Motivation, Stopwatch

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Psyc 223/4-02 summary questions chapter 5: compare and contrast the core concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The main difference between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation is the source of behavior. Intrinsic motivation is internally motivated, meaning that motivation arises from inner sources, particularly our fundamental psychological needs. We are intrinsically motivated to pursue things that will satisfy our needs. Extrinsic motivation is any environmental source of motivation, such as rewards or punishments. Provide a definition and specific example for each one. There are two categories of reinforcers: positive and negative. Positive reinforcers are environmental stimuli that when presented, increase the probability of behavior (giving someone money to do something). Negative reinforcers are environmental stimuli that when removed, increase the probability of behavior (doing chores so mom wont nag you). Positive punishers are environmental stimuli that when presented, decreases the probability of behavior (punching someone in the face so they stop talking).