HIST-1107EL Quiz: Fas and ius in archaic roman law

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Roman law consisted of the traditional customs and morals. Fas governed the relation between gods and men. Ius governed the relations among the citizens: to guarantee peace among the citizens, only disputes regulated by the ius could be brought before the courts, protected the private interest of the citizens. Public authority played a limited and passive role in judicial processes. The court consisted of ordinary citizens who assessed who was in the right/wrong and handed down a judgement. 3 ius civile and the law of the twelve tables. Ius civile = law of and for the roman citizens. Roman law was applied personally and not territorially. The mos maiorum formed the core of the ius civile: amalgam of rules and institutes handed down from generation to generation, before the republic : statute laws promulgated by the king = leges regiae. 55 the law of the twelve tables.