LING 360 Study Guide - Final Guide: Atomic Formula, Disjoint Sets, Ditransitive Verb

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Assignment 8 is a good representation of the content of this chapter. Predicates in cpdl are usually verbs: intransitive, transitive, or di-transitive. E. g. , p _ , r _ _ , q _ _ _ ad(p) = 1, ad(r) = 2, ad(q) = 3. Adicity: the number of places (slots) associated with a symbol. Let is, rs, ad be a signature (for cpdl) iff is and rs are disjoint sets and ad is a function from rs into z+. Signature is a way of identifying the basic, non-logic ingredients of the relation you are going to be talking about. Fm, the formulae of cpdl, is the set defined as follows: Let is, rs, ad be a signature. (cid:573) is an atomic formula (cid:523)of cpdl(cid:524), that is, (cid:573) . Let i s, rs, ad be a cpdl signature. M , or u, i , is a structure for.