LING 360 Study Guide - Final Guide: Syntactic Category, Part Of Speech, Categories Of New Testament Manuscripts

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Assignment 9 is a good reference for this chapter. Complement: immediate constituent of a constituent (in addition to the head) Complements are essential to their constituents (omitting them makes the sentence unacceptable) E. g. , alice greeted the guest at the door. This tells us that at the door is not a complement to the verb greeted, while the guest is. But also, copular verbs (be, remain, appear) can take complements that are not np. Problem: knowing that an expression is a verb is not enough to know what kind of value is assigned to it. To approve of, to depend on, to dispose of. Because some verbs take no complements, some take one complement and others take two. Same thing with adjectives (e. g. , happy no complements vs. fond one complement) Solution: same one as found for two problems in chapter 3. Five basic categories: a, p, n, v, s. A, p, n, v are basic lexical categories.