MUAR 211 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gregorian Chant, Christian Liturgy, Antiphonary

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Manuscript: book or piece of music written by hand rather than typed or printed the earliest musical manuscripts were created by anonymous scribes first extant manuscript of notated music date from the 9th century. Sacred: anything intended to serve as part of religious worship (note: all of the musical manuscripts dating from the 9th - 12th centuries contain sacred music exclusively secular music could"ve existed, though there is no written proof) Secular: everything else, including art intended for entertainment. Are sung sacred texts (for mass and divine office) All of the music found in music manuscripts of the 9th - 11th centuries fit into the broad category (not technically a genre) of plainchant not all chants are. Gregorian the ones composed later than the 6th century are plainchants, but not. Performed in the two primary worship services of the roman catholic church: mass and divine office.