[MUAR 393] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (23 pages long!)

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Swing dance era: shift in metric organization: 2 feel 4 feel, happened during great depression, da(cid:374)(cid:272)i(cid:374)g helped foster opti(cid:373)is(cid:373), took people"s mind off the depression. Charleston step: uses grouping of 2-beat feel (in music, 2/4 rather than. 4/4: contrasted with 4-beat steps (swing, 20s charleston dance still maintained a heavy 2 feel (arms would swing up and down together, 30s charleston slowly evolved into a 4-feel (cid:894)the (cid:862)ro(cid:272)k-step(cid:863) emerges, leading to lindy hop dance style) New orleans used 2-beat bounce, articulated by the tuba. Big band swing replaces tuba with double bass: walking bass-line emerges, banjo is also replaced by guitar. Larger band than early jazz groups (13-17 musicians) New orleans jazz favored individual trumpet/clarinet/trombone melodies. Big band favors chorus playing (all together, no one instrument stands out) Benny goodman popularized sing in la in 1935. Ho(cid:449)e(cid:448)er, duke elli(cid:374)gto(cid:374)"s (cid:862)do(cid:374)"t (cid:373)ea(cid:374) a thi(cid:374)g if it ai(cid:374)"t got that s(cid:449)i(cid:374)g(cid:863) was popular in 1932.