[NEUR 310] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (98 pages long!)

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Document Summary

The two nervous systems: central: brain and spinal cord, peripheral, sensory ganglia (dorsal root ganglia) Sensory neurons allow interaction with environment (pain, temperature, etc. ) Send the information to the central nervous system where it is processed and leads to reactions/outputs to the motor system of the pns: autonomic ganglia (sympathetic ganglia) Organization of the nervous system (e. g. visual system: sensory systems (e. g. photoreceptors in visual system) Initial local processing (retinal ganglion cells: rgc in the retina, sends axons out to thalamus. Cells of the nervous system: neurons, glia. What is a neuron: a cell that is designed for information processing, a cell with specializations for input, integration, and output, a cell that also contains all compartments that other cells have, gene expression, protein synthesis, degradation, etc. What defines a cell as a neuron: specializations for input, specializations for integration, specializations for output.