[PHAR 300] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (188 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Pharmacology is a basic science, as well as a branch of medicine. Many drugs are derived from a natural compound: eg. Histamine is present in many cells in the body. Drugs based on the structure of histamine include h1 blockers and cimetidine: drugs may be thought of by their structure, function or where they act. Definition of a drug: any chemical that alters the function of a cell or organ system: eg. Consider a neuron carrying an action potential down an axon releasing a neurotransmitter at the end. Any chemical acting on a stage of this process would be considered a drug: a drug may act as a mimic, may alter a process down the axon or may alter the neuron itself. Drugs predominately act of receptors: eg. Toothpaste: considered as so due to fluoride, which aids in the prevention of cavities. Beverages: coffee & tea, alcohol (ethanol)