POLI 200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Bermeo, Responsible Government, Nec

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Not written down formally, but understood by politicians. Ca(cid:374)"t be enforced by courts because they are not written down laws. Rule of government: how they should act i. e. responsible government: not written down that party leader has to leave if he loses confidence. Canada (cid:272)a(cid:374)"t amend constitution without consent of provinces (this also is not written down!) Violations of federalism this is not written down. Members of cabinet must be elected officially. Codified: conventions and major provisions written in legal constitution/ document. France- u. s. revolution clear cut between constitutions. Uncodified: fundamental rules and principles are not written down in one specific document, but in various documents. Accumulation of a(cid:272)ts (cid:449)hi(cid:272)h is (cid:449)hy there is(cid:374)"t o(cid:374)ly o(cid:374)e si(cid:374)gle do(cid:272)u(cid:373)e(cid:374)t. Charter of rights and freedoms added to ca inst. How much judges prevent intervention from political power. Those inst. settings not proven how judges get in. Formally independent due to inst. , but does(cid:374)"t say a(cid:374)ythi(cid:374)g of the degree.