POLI 221 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ranked Voting System, Federal Accountability Act, Returning Officer

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*** the harper government passed legislation in 2007 which set fixed election dates. *** however, the governor general, on the advice of the prime minister, do still have the constitutional power to call a general election at any point before the fixed date. Chief electoral office: is responsible for the overall administration of the election and must function with absolute impartiality. First-past-the-post/plurality voting system: a single-winner voting system where the candidate with the most votes is declared elected. this means that the winner usually does not actually have a majority of the votes cast, only a plurality. After this act, elections canada chooses returning officers on a non-partisan basis. Voter"s" list: the names of eligible voters done by door to door enumeration in which the returning officer appointed two enumerators to collect the names of eligible voters. The candidate who gets more votes than any other candidates is declared the winner.