PSYC 213 Study Guide - Final Guide: Deep Structure And Surface Structure, Synectics, Divergent Thinking

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Document Summary

The following sample exam items are provided for you to use while studying for this course. I recommend using them first for self-testing: treat them as if they were part of an actual exam, try to answer them correctly, and then check your responses with the answers provided at the bottom of the page. This exercise can give you a feel for the nature of exams in this course and the state of your preparation. It is possible that a small number of items from these sample items may appear on the midterm and final exams. You decide to take a break and go for a quick walk. After returning, the solution suddenly occurs to you. Ill-defined problems utilize unknown variables, such as 34x = 12y 3 . Ill-defined problems contain more ambiguous words and are harder to read. Ill-defined problems contain some uncertainty in the given information, the permissible operations, or.