PSYC 305 Study Guide - Final Guide: Probability Plot, Random Assignment, John Tukey

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Week 1: basic statistics: population: the entire set of things of interest, parameter: a property descriptive of the population, sample: the part of the population. Interval - ranked, numeric, no true zero, numerical (continuous/quantitative) Ivs - categorical/continuous: dv - continuous (normally distributed, mean: average; balancing point. Affected by extreme values: median: exact middle value; not affected by extreme values, mode: value that occurs most frequently; not affect by extremely values. Used for either numerical or categorical data: range: measure of dispersion. Difference between the largest and the smallest observations: variance: average (approximately) of squared" deviations of values from the mean, standard deviation: shows variation about the mean. Has the same units as the original data: the dependent variable (y) is assumed to be continuous and normally distributed. Week 2: hypothesis testing - comparing one/two means: steps for hypothesis testing: Set up a hypothesis: null hypothesis, no effect, alternative hypothesis: research/experimental hypothesis, some hypothesis, decide significant level, a = . 05.