PSYC 332 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Inculturation, Pollination Syndrome, Twin Study

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Concerned with what is rather than why it is : good explanation depends on description, dispositional traits. Many traits show remarkable longitudinal consistency twin studies est. Aggregation shows that traits predict behaviour fairly well. Situational effects often no stronger than trait effects: trait scores sometimes account for only modest amounts of variance in behaviour, but situational account for no more. Comparative and relatively non-conditional: ratings must have social referent, to make traits conditional robs of power as indicators of general trends. These are strengths but also limitations: time, place, role. Personal concerns typically couched in motivational, developmental, strategic terms: want, actions, methods, contextualization of these within time, place, role. Traits do not exist in time the same way that motives, goals, strivings and plans are temporally contextualized. Ogilvie: matches personality descriptors with significant persons in one"s life, organization of self-with-other constructs: not all social roles equally important, spouse/lover, son/daughter, parent, sibling, worker/provider, citizen.