CMST 1A03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Canadian Content, Prosumer, Technological Convergence

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Media helps us decide what we need and want, why we care, and even who we are. Communication media is central to larger organization and functions of our society. Canadians together with common ideas and understandings of our culture. They are the central vehicle for controlling the world economy and the movement of goods and services around the globe: example: coordinating centres of production in china with markets in canada. Telegraph permitted for the first time the effective separation of communication from transportation (1750). Messages could be transported at the speed of light. Canadians spent 36 hours per week on tv/internet (2013: shrinking space through time: reducing the time it took to accomplish particular tasks in space (time for pigeon to send message to ex. ) Internet and social networks shrink the distance between friends, telegraph shortened time to accomplish action at a distance. Thus making the world smaller: telephone and radio are also examples of interventions that shrinked space.