CMST 2A03- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 76 pages long!)

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Polls in the news, who the people are, what/why, organizations do polls to get news. Survey that he did: compared to the winter time two things, to see our own answers and compare to last class. Face validity, on its face does it look like a skew distribution on it. Can make some inferences on basic demographics, what"s the model person that represents this data: so in this class, she"s most likely a 19-year-old woman and there"s a 1/3 possibility she"s from. We take data in its raw form and we take conclusions from it, Simple descriptive statistics: then we can use inferential statistics, to infer the patterns as well. People want to make a correlation between the two, is there a correlation between students that scored over 80% their favourite food was sushi: correlation is inferential two variables together, and see if they fit together.