COMMERCE 1B03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Cognitive Theory, Human Resource Management, Organizational Commitment

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Document Summary

Organizations are social inventions created by people to achieve a common goal through group effort. Organizational behaviour, attitudes and behaviours of both individuals and groups (job satisfaction, commitment, motivation, ect. ) What are the goals of ob predict, explain, manage behaviour. Managements an art, there is science behind it as well. Good tools + materials don"t make good management. It"s more about the people and the psychological/social processes that go on at work employee involvement = biggest factor in increasing productivity. Traditional management, networking, human resource management, agenda setting. How to manage using intuition = experience based. You have ot adjust to local culture + environment. Talent management, employee engagement corporate and social responsibility. Trait activation in the right situation ill display a trait that i don"t usually display. Canoe other personality variables: locus of control self monitoring. Self esteem positive and negative affectivity proactive personality initiative. Two learning approaches operative learning making good and bad things happen to people.