[ENVIRSC 1C03] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (33 pages long!)

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Lecture 1 the science of environmental process. Outline: environmental problems, what is the importance of weather, what is climate, co(cid:373)positio(cid:374) of earth"s at(cid:373)osphere, visualizing weather and climate changes. Environmental problems: ocean acidification (coral bleaching, global warming (rising greenhouse gases, ozone layer depletion, biodiversity loss, pollution. Influential in changing views towards the environment helped re-evaluate our relation to nature. At the core, there is scientific knowledge tested and generally agreed upon. Around that we have the frontiers of science where we test hypothesizes. The(cid:374) there are idea"s that are (cid:374)ot yet a(cid:272)(cid:272)epted (cid:271)y the s(cid:272)ie(cid:374)tifi(cid:272) (cid:272)o(cid:373)(cid:373)u(cid:374)ity little to no hard data. They have destructive consequences (e. g. cyclones, hurricanes, etc. ) Avg. conditions of atmosphere in a region. S(cid:373)all are of the earth"s surfa(cid:272)e mesoclimate. Earth, as of now, is on a trend of global cooling. Certain crops grow in certain parts of the world with specific climates: e. g. wheat grows in certain parts of the world with certain climates and moisture.