ENVIRSC 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hygroscopy, Coriolis Force, Sea Breeze

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Lithosphere- solid layer of earth, layer of soil nutrients. Weather- state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time. Weather system-recurring atmospheric circulation patterns, associated weather changes. Tropical cyclone-moist air moving from high pressure to a zone of low pressure, develops over warm tropical waters thunderstorm- intense convection. Tornado- destructive winds, small vortexes of spiral winds, form as a biproduct from thunderstorms. Climate- average conditions of atmosphere in a region. El nino- major pattern of circulation of the southern pacifics, changes between strength and direction of the wind. Global warming- last 100 years of rising temperatures. Ice age- very slow cooling then slow warming. Temperature- measure of molecular energy within a substance. Environmental lapse rate (elr)- rate of decrease of temperature with elevation in the atmosphere. Tree line- maximum extent where we have trees. Troposphere- lowest atmospheric layer, where weather events occur, thick at the equator, thinner near poles. As high as 16km or as low as 8km.