[HISTORY 1DD3] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (73 pages long)

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Systems of politics developed that claims that the people gave legitimacy to their rulers, some elites claimed that they are monarch. People power is a radical change: states organized through mass mobilization and on the idea of the nation as the primary source of public loyalty. State is the political institution that governs you. Nation is the community of people: bureaucratic and governmental interference in many areas of life. Dealing with the rules and policies of an institution: tensions between science and religion, rationality and feeling. Religion was a bigger part of life in the past 250-300 years. These de nitions are problematic as it is from a westernized view. The processes that underpinned the global transition to modernity: 1. the political revolutions of the 18th century that substituted popular sovereignty for traditional monarchal rule and established the idea of the nation as central to notions of popular sovereignty.