HLTHAGE 1CC3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Trichotillomania, Abdominal Pain, Sexual Dysfunction

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Mental illness: it is seen through the eyes of the beholder. Comes with unpredictable or uncontrollable actions done by people (ex. violence). Mental disorder: mental disorder: speci c category, diagnosis, mental illness: broader sense, people who are psychologically unwell, some use illness as a overarching term that include various disorders, others use illness and disorder interchangeably. What is psychosis: symptom not diagnosis, mental state characterized by profound disturbances in thought, losing touch with reality. What is schizophrenia: a somatic problem; a disease of brain (schizophrenia society of ontario, schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder profound disruption in thinking (who, two people can have different experiences but same diagnosis. Symptoms: divided into positive (acute short) and negative (chronic long lasting, similarity with bipolar disorder, autism huge misdiagnosis with bd in adults and autism in children. Earth is at), are not provable (religious belief) and are false (cheating) American"s view: negative symptoms far more important than positive.