HTHSCI 3BB3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Aspirin, Peanut Allergy, Atrophic Gastritis

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Document Summary

Food is not only equal to medicine but it has far greater power. Nutrition should be studied for our own health, to help educate clients we will work with, and for the health of our family. The population right now has many chronic health diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, etc. and they all come down to some risk factors and lifestyle is one of them. Cancer is number 1 for nutrition related deaths and a lot of it has to do with lifestyle. Genes has something to do with it but lifestyle is still a major factor. There are 2 researchers dr. ancel keys and dr. salim yusuf who have made a huge contribution to our knowledge of coronary risk factors. It was found from research that diet is related to cardiovascular disease. Dr. yusuf found that greater than 90% is related to modifiable risks when it comes to heart disease such as lifestyle and diet.