KINESIOL 1C03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Research Question, Vo2 Max, Indirect Calorimetry

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Physical activity: any body movement produced by skeletal muscle that results in energy expenditure. Activities of daily living leisure activities/exercise like skating. Occupational physical activity to look at what jobs have more energy expenditure than others. Exercise: any form of physical activity undertaken with a specific objective such as the improvement of fitness, health, or physical performance. Physical fitness: physical attributes relating to one"s morphological, muscular, motor, cardiorespiratory, and metabolic capabilities; measuring something in your physiology while doing a task to see how fit you are at doing that task; eg. vo2 max. Measure of effectiveness of a specific intervention eg. dieting. Considerations when choosing a pa measure for a study. Subjects giving you the information about their activity rates, you"re not measuring them: objective. Measuring some part of pa, using a device to measure pa: criterion. Direct measure of energy expenditure or actually writing down every single thing someone does throughout their day; the most accurate but most expensive.