KINESIOL 1Y03 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Smooth Muscle Tissue, Standard Anatomical Position, Homeostasis

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Body erect, feet together, face forward, palms forward. Away from the head (towards the tail) Towards the inside of body (away from surface) Spaces that hold our tissues or organs: cranial cavity. Connects to the rest of the body via the vertebral canal: thoracic cavity. Contains the heart and lungs, glands and esophagus: abdominopelvic cavity. Abdominal cavity = contains stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, pancreas & kidneys. Pelvic cavity = contains part of the large intestine, reproductive organs and the urinary bladder. Closely adhering to organ = visceral serous membrane (inner) Further away from organ = parietal serous membrane (outer) Cavity between two membranes filled with serous fluid produced by the membranes and reduces the friction between 2 membranes. Pleura = refers to the lungs & thoracic cavity. In close contact with the serous membrane of the lungs. Pericardial cavity; where serous fluid allows the heart to contract with less friction. Closely adheres to the inside wall of the thoracic cavity.